Can I Store Local Eggs At Room Temperature?

By Layne Lieberman, RD

Nutrition Facts ~ One Large Egg

If you buy fertile eggs from a local farm stand and they have not been pre-washed or previously stored in a refrigerator, then it should …read more

Read more here:: Layne Lieberman, MS, RD, CDN

The North American Steamed Lobster

By Layne Lieberman, RD

If you spend time on the North Atlantic coast, then don’t miss out on the local flavors of a delicious fresh lobster meal. The good news is that we are …read more

Read more here:: Layne Lieberman, MS, RD, CDN

Low Fat Mango Mousse

By Layne Lieberman, RD

A quick no-fuss dessert with a smooth and satisfying texture that will please the entire family! Mangos are one of my favorite fruits and besides being delicious, mangos are insanely …read more

Read more here:: Layne Lieberman, MS, RD, CDN

Inside Sicily~Kitchen and Diet Secrets

By Layne Lieberman, RD


Tomato sauce simmering at Vicolo Stretto restaurant, Taormina

Sicily is intriguing as it conjures up notions of the Mafioso culture so famously exaggerated in American movies. As I flew into Catania …read more

Read more here:: Layne Lieberman, MS, RD, CDN

Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe

By eric smith

This chocolate cake tastes sinfully delicious but it’s actually not as rich and caloric as one might imagine thanks to the creaminess of tofu (one of my favorite ingredients).

Ingredients (use …read more

Read more here:: Layne Lieberman, MS, RD, CDN